UI UX Designer

“Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up.”

Pablo Picasso

Hello! I am Nilay Datta, Web and Graphics Designer who makes great and effective things. Keep scrolling to view some of my works and to know more about me. Happy Browsing.

Things I Can Do

  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Creating Logos
  • Business Cards
  • SEO compatible sites

A Few Accomplishments


Are you in a cult?

A small assignment on a facebook post.


Play with positions- Part 1

Concentric circles with tags- cool, right?.


Play with positions- Part 2

Concentric circles with tags and little shadows.


Play with positions- Part 2

More Circles.


Another assignment on facebook.

Facebook post.


A small assignment on forms

Forms, what else to say?.


List of friends

Friend list with a header.


Roll over effect

Roll over effect on text.


Google testimonials

Google testimonial list.


Competition? What is it exactly? We compete with others and find what? Satisfaction? Win? Is that all that’s important? We make ourselves believe that through competition we can achieve more, get success. We select someone better than us and start competing with him, until he’s defeated. Then, another selection is made and the process continues…but to what extent will it continue? This is a journey that will never end because there will always be someone who’s better than you. You may think that you are the best for a specified time but then, you will see that someone will defeat you and take your place. Then? You will try harder to get back your position but alas! You are no match for him. Then will come the time when you will get broken down, crest-fallen and sweep into depression. Even, at the end, there will be no satisfaction. Life will become harder. All past victories will seem to be meaningless.

The main object of life should be to do and achieve what you like to do and not what you should do. Competition often invokes feelings of jealousy, hatred and impatience in you against your enemies with time. You don’t have to form jealousy with someone and compete to live. You just have to enjoy your time on earth. Do what pleases you (Of course, not illegal ones) and do it for fun and satisfaction, not competition. Life would become more easier then. You would maintain only one emotion at that time throughout your life i.e. happiness. Even at failure and losing, life can be fun. Just you have to see the best side of it.